Wednesday, December 06, 2006

When should a child stay home from school?

From Mrs. Hamilton, our school nurse:

Children are most successful in school when they are present for as many school days as possible. However, children who are sick need to stay home if they will not be able to concentrate sufficiently for learning or if they may cause others to become sick.

To help reduce the spread of illness to students and staff, please keep your children home from school for the following reasons:
1. Fever--Your child should be fever free (without being medicated) for 24 hours before returning to school.
2. Rash--Check with your child's doctor before sending your child to school with a rash.
3. Vomiting--Your child may return to school after s/he has not thrown up for 24 hours and is back on a regular diet.
4. Diarrhea--If your child has had more than one loose stool in 24 hours, s/he needs to stay home to make sure they get enough fluids. S/He may return to school after being diarrhea free for 24 hours.
5. Colds--If your child's cough is frequent or severe and his/her nose is runny, it is likely that they do not feel very well and will not be able to concentrate sufficiently for learning. S/He also would benefit from more rest and fluids at home.
6. Doctor recommendation--If you have needed to consult a doctor concerning an injury or illness of your child, check with the doctor as to when your child should return to school. If you child has been prescribed an antibiotic, check to see if they to be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.

When your child does stay home from school, please call the school office and let us know that s/he will be out and the reason for the absence. For some contagious illnesses, we send letters home to the appropriate classroom(s) and others we are required to report to the Washtenaw County Health Department (WCHD).

The AAPS follows WCHD guidelines for when students should stay home related to communicable diseases. The Communicable Disease Fact Sheets are available at:

Our entire staff works to provide a safe, healthy, and enriching environment for our children. Thank you for helping.

If you have any health-related questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Hamilton.