Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Green Team Update

by Linda M. Ryan, landscape chair
To the Parents:
As you may recall, every student at King Elementary School is called to serve on the Green Team. Being on the Green Team initially meant keeping King School clean and litter free. Good, clean, responsible fun, right? Yes! Well, the Green Team met their goal to keep King grounds clean for a month right before winter break, and everyone went home with a green pencil as a reward!

The 4th grade girls in Mrs. Knorr's class who have chaired this Team, namely Zoe Zimmerman and Michi Ota can't rest with just this monumental task completed. They have forged ahead with additional ways to help the environment. They needed help to do this, so Laura Hanselman and Christine Jahn have joined in on the leadership. They have made initial plans to ask the students at King to do 5 or 6 tasks at home. They will present one task per week through the end of March. The tasks include turning down the thermostat, carpooling more often, changing light bulbs to fluorescent bulbs, reusing paper, and cutting back on junk mail. The challenges aren't meant to be burdensome, just practical and "green!"

Watch your e-notes for each new task. Point it out to your child, if you can. Also take a look at the green posters in the halls for encouragement. We will be taking anonymous surveys to measure our change in environmental savvy and willingness to become more "green!"

To the Students at King:
Challenge #1 Cutting back on JUNK MAIL!

Is your mailbox filled with more catalogs than personal mail?
Do you often see lots those same catalogs piling up in your recycling bin? Well, if you want to get rid of that junk, then go to www.catalogchoice.org.

Follow their directions, saving the backs of the catalogs to remove each catalog company by name. In a month or so, those catalogs will be out of your waste bins and back at the factory!