Submitted by: Linda Ryan
Mrs. Shah's AM and PM classes planted the beautiful annuals to your right as you enter the building from the parking lot. Eighteen kids in the AM and the same force in the PM learned about soil and its components, drainage, particle size and ratio of clay to sand to organic matter last week. Then they all marched outside to cooperatively dig and mix clay, o. matter and sand to plant their Marigolds and Blue Saliva. Mrs. Ryan later added the Cleome.
Who would think, Kindergarteners could be such good listeners and eager gardeners! Mrs. Shah cleverly had them line up in two lines, boys and girls, each with their flowers to plant so as to get a balanced mix of yellow and blue. While they waited in line, they tickled the toes of their individual plants to make them ready to plant and drink up the water. I think they could have planted many more, but alas we were out of time, and it takes a big force to keep a larger number of flowers watered over the summer. Which brings me to the next point....
Summer Help Request
I need helpers to weed and possibly water over the sunmmer. This can be a family effort, or a be by yourself, quiet time and weeding fest. It helps reduce stress while serving your community. OK it's work, but rewarding work. Once a month, within a small area is all that is needed. Contact Linda Ryan if willing. or (734) 668-6176.
Submitted by Linda M. Ryan,
Landscape chair