Friday, June 06, 2008

Ice Cream Social Procedures - Dunk Tank

Dunk Tank
I've heard there will be a dunk tank at school tonight . . . so if you want to see your principal in it, you will need to be there at 6 PM. :-)

As a reminder, only fifth grade students are eligible to go in the dunk tank otherwise--and ONLY if they have signed permission from a parent/guardian.


Due to the limited availability of parking at King, parents should plan to park in the neighborhood during all evening events at King.
There is NO PARKING in front of the school, by the fire hydrant, or on the left-hand side of the front circular drive.

Reason: The front drive is a fire lane and must be kept accessible for emergency vehicles. The fire hydrant area must also be kept clear.

Drop Off/Pick Up
The front entrance will be available for drop off and pick up ONLY. AT NO TIME SHOULD PARKING OCCUR IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL.

Monitoring Students
As a reminder, evening events at school are family events. Parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring their children