Thursday, December 04, 2008

PTO Bylaws Update - PLEASE READ

There have been some new requirements for nonprofit corporations, thus, we need to update the King PTO bylaws.

To paraphrase the changes, non-profits are now required to have a minimum of 3 DIRECTORS. "Michigan nonprofit corporations are required in existence on July 16, 2008, must have a board existing of three or more directors by January 16, 2009." "...If the corporation's bylaws fix the size of the board at less than three directors, the bylaws will need to be amended." Wording in the bylaws like President and VP don't count. They must be classified as Directors.

Additionally, the King PTO Exec Board wanted to make a change to the bylaws that allows the President to appoint a signee for a back-up role to the Treasurer.

The link to the new bylaws is below. We will be voting on their acceptance at the next PTO General Meeting which will be held on Tuesday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the King School Library.

Please contact with any questions.