Thursday, December 18, 2008


Given the weather forecast for tonight and its potential impact on school being open tomorrow, it is my hope that snowman gifts will be turned in to the school office today (Thursday) by 4:30 PM.

If this is not possible, we'll work it out one way or another . . . email me or call school today and I will make a plan with you about what to do. :-)

On behalf of the King PTO and the King staff, I am deeply thankful for the generosity our community shows in helping others. The snowman gifts are an excellent example of how King School has been a community leader in this area. I personally know our example is recognized by the Ann Arbor Educational Foundation and members of other area PTOs have discussed how to follow our example. Nice job!

As for the weather and school closings, any decisions about school cancellations will be posted on the school website. I'll do my best to send a community email quickly also. In addition, the information I've shared previously about school closings should still be helpful.
