Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PTO Positions for 2009-2010

Nomination forms were sent home in last week's Friday folders for the 2009-2010 PTO Executive Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons. This form lists every single position (both Executive Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons). There are more than 50 positions available. Help plan events, activities, and more!

Do you want more information about a specific committee or board position? Check out the descriptions (& get another nomination form) at: http://king.a2schools.org/king.pto/files/file.pdf . Or, contact the existing chair (all chairs are listed in the King School Directory).

Nomination forms are due to the King School office (PTO mailbox) by Thursday, April 9. Nominate yourself! Contact kingpto@gmail.com for additional questions.

Thank you for volunteering...and here's to a fantastic 2009-2010 year!