Four King teachers will be retiring this year: Ms. Lake (3rd grade), Mrs. Shafie (4th grade), Dr. Michalik (5th grade) and Mr. Michalilk (Instrumental Music). As a way of expressing gratitude for their many years of service, King PTO is collecting donations for special projects that the teachers have personally selected. You can send your donation with your child or place in the PTO box in the office. Use form sent home in your child's backpack to designate your donation with one of the following choices:
- Martin Luther King Memorial Foundation Project(Lake)
Collection of Books for School Library (Shafie) - King School Student Inclusion Fund (S. Michalik) (fund for needy students to purchase spirit wear, pictures, yearbooks, etc...)
- Instrumental Music Enhancement Fund (K. Michalik)
- General fund to be distributed evenly among the above
Thank you from the King PTO.