Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Drop Off Safety Concerns

Good morning King parents,
I am writing this morning becuase, as a community, I believe we need to continue doing a better job of being safe during drop off . . . even when it is a winter mess and traffic is moving slowly.  CLICK HERE for the King School Drop Off Policy.
The reported problems:
Problem 1.  Some vehicles move too fast in and around the front drive.  What should happen:  SLOW DOWN!  If you use the front drive at King School during drop off, it is going to take time.  Our guiding principles:  Drive slowly.  Pull up to the curb and drop off your child.  Go slowly.
Problem 2.  A fifth grader needed to access the trunk of the car to get a backpack.  What should happen:  The child should have all of their gear in the car with them when they step out of the car.  If this is not possible, please drop off on Waldenwood or in the drop off zone close to the school parking lot.
Problem 3:  A  minivan did not stop at the intersection of Penberton and Waldenwood.  What should happen:  STOP where there is a stop sign.  This is a matter of basic safe driving practices and being aware of and following traffic signs.  So everyone is aware, the Ann Arbor Police Department was called about today's situation.  They have said they will patrol this area more closely beginning immediately.
These were the major drop off infractions today, but there may have been other issues as well.  If needed, please let me know your experience during this morning's drop off.
If you have questions, please let me know as well.  I'm happy to help.