Friday, October 20, 2006

Rock Update - A Clue!

I received a clue as to the whereabouts of my rock. It came in the form of a poem, another genre of writing. Here is the clue:

I have your rock, I took it for fun,
Now it's a mystery, the game has begun.

You had to go out and involve the whole school,
My clues will be educational, it's really quite cool.

My first clue is this, it's really quite plain,
The man they call Seuss, has taken over my brain.

Find the one person who likes to rhyme,
And you'll get your rock in the nick of time.

For your precious little game, I do hope they win,
OSU the national championship . . . that is a sin.

You asked for a clue, I have given you many,
if you look close you'll find, ten maybe twenty.

I took your rock, it's as plain as can be,
And I still have it, 'cause I'm smarter than thee.

I'm not sure yet what this clue tells us. If you've got any ideas, you should write it down and give it to your teacher to take to the office.