We wanted to personally thank the following people for their help with the King of Hearts Family 5K last week: Padma Anupindi, Brenda Pontillo, Howard Hughes, Laura Boudette, Karen Schumacher, Qinhe Zhang, Michelle Barton, Hajeong Kim, Anna Lu, Kevin Behmer, Mike Restivo, DJamal Bouzit, Rachel Sabb (& family), Cynthia Gur-Arie, Tamara Seyhun, Nicole Wright, Emily, Steve Carrubba , Carolyn Herrmann, Lisa Kohn, Alena Stocking, Alfhildur Kristjansdottir, George Schumacher, Diane Fingar, Kevin Karr & the numerous others that we have forgotten to mention. Without your help, the King of Hearts Family 5K would not have been the success that it was.
-Susan Gechter & Christina Nedeltchev King of Hearts 5K Chairs