Wednesday, October 22, 2008

IMPORTANT: Drop-off Reminders

The following is feedback I received about drop-off this morning from a parent volunteer. It is right on target. As it gets colder, we all must follow the drop-off policy.

This morning was a bit more hectic than previous mornings. I suspect the colder weather had something to do with it. The change in weather increases drop offs and there may have been some parents who are new to the revised drop-off policy for this year. I did observe three incidents where I actually approached other parents:

* Two parents backed their cars up rather than waiting for the cars to move ahead. Both were reminded of the no backing up policy.
* One parent let her daughter exit on the left and actually started pulling away before her daughter was a safe distance from the car. I let her know that she should exit only on the right. The look in the girl's eyes (frightened from the moving car) verified quickly that she would not do that again.
* The woman who needed to exit the car to help her kid(s) should consider parking. I do believe you spoke with her but just wanted to point this out as well.

With that said, I still think most parents are doing an excellent job with drop off. It's clear they know what to do and are following the rules. Many now wave to me as they drive by! Nice job getting the word out and making your presence known out there.

To review in a nutshell:
1. No backing up in the load/unload zone;
2. Students only exit cars by stepping out of the car and on to the curb;
3. Parents must stay in cars while in the load/unload zone. Use a parking area if you need to exit your car.

Thank you. If this leads to any questions for you, please don't hesitate to ask.
