Submitted by: Mrs. O'Keefe
It's a new year...would you like to help out in the Media Center?
Every week, more than a dozen parents and grandparents help out in the Media Center, making our teaching and book circulation time more fun and effective. There are some class time slots listed below that currently have no volunteers scheduled. If you're interested in joining me in the best part of the school (okay, that's MY opinion) I'd love to have you come. No experience necessary, after a few weeks you'll be a library pro, and you'll get to enjoy lots of kids and books too. Please email me at if you're interested or have questions, and thanks.
Mondays: Griffith's class at 10:20-11; Gracey's class 1:30-2:10; Lake at 2:10-2:50; Huyck at 2:50-3:30.
Thursdays: Harris' class 9-9:40; Haddas' class at 9:40-10:20.
Fridays: Schaffer's class 9:40-10:20.