Thursday, April 23, 2009

Silent Auction Countdown--1 More Day!

Time to Make Your List

So many items and so little time...Here are some auction tips to get you through the next 36 hours.

Make an excel sheet of your favorite items. Sort by numbers. The 100's will go in the first closing at 7:15, 200's at 7:30 and 300 and 400;s 7:45; then sort by "nice to have" and "must have".

No Hovering, but maybe bring some binoculars to see what bids are placed on your favorites.

Clean out your trunk. These classroom baskets are terrific and you'll want to make some room in the car for when you take them home.

Proxy Bid Update
I221 Zingerman's gift card $50
D341 Hummus for a Year $50

Things to Ponder
I223 "Let's have lunch (or brunch) Part 2. $25 Cafe' Marie, 2 Cottage Inn Lunch Buffets--both nice options for treating someone to lunch...AND 4 Large Pizzas from Papa John's---well that's a power lunch for 2 and then some.

Combined Items
The catalog crew has to sort through many donations and combine items to make attractive packages...some "almost" combinations that didn't make the catalog...

Stucci's 3 free Sundaes + Nutritional Counseling
Running Fit + Tortoise and Hare (too exhausting)
Zoom Teeth Whitening + Zingerman's Coffee
Case of Wine + Prepared Tax Return
Ukulele + String Instrument Lessons

Raffle Table
There are some great items available for a $1 raffle. My children shared their intended strategy for these items: "Drop your ticket in late, mom, so it's right on top." Lily Au has created a wonderful, creative King photo album that would delight any student now and even more so in the future.

Lisa Kohn
Silent Auction Chair