Our collection will begin today on Tuesday March 9th. We thank you for your donations of books, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, video games, computer games, puzzles and board games. They can be dropped off in your child's classrooms or in the boxes by the school office or front entrance. Look for the giant ice cream cone (Thanks to Susie Lum!) by the front entrance to see how many items we've collected. Our goal is over 4,000!
A big thank you to all the students who made posters and wrote book reviews. We have over 60 submissions so far! The deadline for your poster has past but you can still turn in your book review by Friday March 12th.
Please also consider donating an hour of your time to help us prepare for the Used Book Fair. To volunteer, go to: http://doodle.com/2xemax4x278dd6vb . If you have any questions, please email me at syaldrich@gmail.com .
Thank you!
Sandy Aldrich