Friday, May 18, 2007

5th Graders to Space Camp in Alabama

Our fifth graders boarded buses to the U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday night around 11:45. The buses traveled throughout the night (with a couple of planned stops) and arrived in time for students to begin learning--and enjoying.

This annual fifth grade experience began about ten years ago and explores many of the science concepts students have studied throughout elementary school. Check back to find out more about what our students are doing. Here is our first update:

We're here, safe and sound.

All the kids slept, at least a little. The buses were very quiet until around 6:30. We stopped at the Tennessee border for breakfast at the Visitors' Center. Then we made a second stop near Nashville for a stretch-your-legs, run around for an hour play period. We arrived at 12:30 Huntsville time, 1:30 Ann Arbor time.

It took us awhile to get beds for everyone because some other schools were short of beds. All our kids were taken care of. Then we had our first meal. What a riot... Chicken-Fried Steak. The kids all talked about the weird, brown chicken. I guess we should have taught them about Southern Cuisine.

Back at the Habitat, the kids unpacked and made their beds. Counselors took over after a slide show presentation. We are now off to dinner and an adult orientation. Then everyone is going to get some well-needed sleep.