Below are some photos of Pajama Day for you enjoyment!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Pajama Day Fun - Last Day Before Break
Below are some photos of Pajama Day for you enjoyment!
SIGN UP: Literacy Night - January 26 or 28
Dear King Parents,
You are invited to Literacy Night on January 26 or 28, sponsored by the King School Improvement Team. At Literacy Night, parents will learn from King teachers about how they teach reading and writing.
The schedule for the night will be as follows:
6:20 – 6:30 Childcare drop-off in gymnasium with KingCare—school aged children only for those who sign up ahead of time
6:30 Introduction in the Multipurpose Room
6:40 - 8:30 Parents will choose and attend two sessions focusing on reading and writing:
* K-2 Reading
* 3-5 Reading
* Kindergarten writing
* 1st grade writing
* 2nd grade writing
* 3rd grade writing
* 4th grade writing
* 5th grade writing
Our goal is to have at least one parent from every family participate in Literacy Night either on 1/26 or 1/28.
If you have questions, please call the school office at 994-1940.
King School Improvement Team
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
King International Night - December Update
Bingo Night 2010 Is Coming! - 1/14 @ 6:30 PM
*There will be no food sold this year. Water will be available.*
Bring your King School water bottle to fill up!
If you would like to help with this PTO funded social event, please click on the Doodle link:
For questions, contact Melanie Snook at 730-8663 .
Monday, December 14, 2009
Everyone Must Sign In At Office
This is true even for parents who are frequently at King. Thank you for "following the rules."
AAPS News!
of the AAPSNews. Featured in this edition:
* Public invited to participate in budget meetings
* Project helps storm water, improves Pioneer grounds
* Bagel sale raises money for reading at Carpenter Elementary
* A2ties group welcomes exchange students in high school
* Adult Ed, ESL serve many around the Ann Arbor district (plus a visit
to an ESL classroom)
* NPR reporter speaks to students at Community High
* School bells: Forsythe 2nd, Tappan 3rd in competition
Thursday, December 10, 2009
King Literacy Night Coming in January
Literacy Night will help parents better understand what happens in their children's classrooms, and give parents ways to support the AAPS-King reading and writing curriculum at home. Parents will have the opportunity to attend multiple presentations by King teachers at all grade levels.
Registration for Literacy Night will begin in December and will continue through January. King's PTO is providing King Care for school-age children.
Watch the eNotes and the King website for more information.
Snowman Giving Update!!
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in snowman giving. 46 childeren will receive holiday gifts from King School this year!!
Submitted by Rachel Sabb
Calling All Cookie Bakers (or Cookie Buyers)
Science Olympiad Registration Open
Science Olympiad Coaches Needed
Please contact Vivian Lin at if you are willing to coach any of these events, or sign up to coach an event when you register your child at . Thanks!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Your Child Must Stay Home If They Are Sick - Swine Flu Update
There has been a decrease in the number of reported H1N1 flu cases over the past few weeks in Washtenaw County. As we monitor flu activity in our schools, we have seen a few schools with 10 – 14% rate of absenteeism due to flu illness. We have not reached the 30% absentee rate that has been seen in other districts across the state. Every week different schools are affected across the district. We have had suspected flu cases in most all of our buildings on a daily basis. Flu cases are monitored on a daily basis, and increased activity is reported to the Washtenaw County Department of Public Health. But while the news is good please know that flu activity in the schools is already higher than what is seen during the peak of many regular flu seasons. Almost all of the flu viruses identified this season so far are 2009 H1N1.
In the past, flu pandemics have been characterized by multiple waves. Scientists and doctors recommend H1N1 vaccination even if flu activity slows, as it could resume later in the season. It is very difficult to predict the severity of this flu pandemic. Timing is also uncertain. We know in past years seasonal flu does not peak in Michigan until January or February, but flu activity has occurred as late as May. So it is not known when flu activity will increase, when it will be most intense, what virus will circulate, or how long the season might last. This year we will have 2 different types of flu to deal with!
We encourage everyone to continue to take these everyday steps to protect your health:
1. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
2. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way
4. Try to avoid close contact with sick people
5. If you become sick with a flu-like illness, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone.
6. The CDC also recommends getting your seasonal flu shot, as well as the H1N1 shot.
Thank you for helping the Ann Arbor Public School community stay healthy!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
How Does The Ann Arbor Public Schools Make a "Snow Day" Decision?
From Brad Mellor, Director of Transportation
Throughout the evening weather conditions are monitored via Internet, TV, radio, and an informal network of other transportation directors throughout the area. If warranted a call is made to the district's snow routes team to go into action.
Before 3 AM, three transportation Supervisors and a veteran bus driver meet with the director of transportation at the transportation terminal. Each of these 4 individuals is a highly experienced driver, with many years behind the wheel of a school bus.
By 3:15 A.M., they're on the road in 4 different buses.
Over the next hour or so, the buses will follow 4 predetermined routes to the 4 corners of the district. The drivers radio back comments from locations along the route, which are recorded in the dispatch center. At the same time, the director of transportation will be fielding more cell calls from the other districts. (Other local districts seems to want to know what Ann Arbor is going to do before they make their decision!)
Our team will drive well-lit city avenues, the interstate highway, and some remote gravel roads. They'll stop and walk the sidewalks at schools, and check the conditions in subdivisions and neighborhoods.
By 4:00 A.M. the drivers will report back to the transportation terminal. Each driver will be polled and record their perceptions. The only question is "Can we safely open school, and get them back home?"
One last tour of the cell phone circuit to other schools, and then it's time to wake up the Superintendent. The Superintendent will be presented with a recommendation based on all input and evidence. After reviewing all the information the Superintendent makes the final decision.
This is the process used to determine the viability of the area roads to deliver AAPS students safely to and from school.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
PHOTO: There Are This Many Snowmen Left
Thank you to everyone who has helped so far with the snowman gifts this year at King!
If you are still hoping to help this year, the number of snowmen left shows below. If you can, stop by school and take one off the bulletin board close to the office. If you can't stop by, please call the office. We'll help to get a snowman to you.
If you don't know what snowman gifts are, CLICK HERE.
QUESTIONS? Please don't hesitate to call us at school (994-1940) or email.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
PHOTO: Enjoying The Last Session Of After School Creative Writing Workshop (updated)
Thanks to Chairperson Camille Ziolek, EMU professor Carolyn Berge, and the EMU students who helped to run a fantastic after-school creative writing workshop this fall. The final session last night was tremendously enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed all of the post card group and the adventure story group. Great work, kids!
Budget Cutting Input Sessions Scheduled
where proposed budget cuts will be discussed and suggestions from the
public will be encouraged.
Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be at the following dates and
* Thursday, Jan. 7 at Huron High School
* Tuesday, Jan. 12 at Skyline High School
* Thursday, Jan. 14 at Scarlett Middle School
* Tuesday, Jan. 19 at Pioneer High School
Snowman Gift Giving - Gifts Due 12/14
Once again King School will help children in our community by purchasing small holiday gifts. Look for "snowmen" on the bulletin board across from the office with a $25 gift written on the back.
Please select a snowman, purchase the gift, attach the snowman to the unwrapped gift, and bring it to school between now and December 14.
We have many snowflakes this year so more children at King can participate by helping other local children. Thanks in advance for your generosity. Questions? Please contact Community Action Chairperson Rachel Sabb at rsabb at or Mr. Karr at karrk at
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Website Update
- 4,872 unique visitors have logged onto the King website since the 2009-10 school year began
- Visitors from 22 countries, 45 states and 86 Michigan cities have logged onto the site with the most recent international visitor residing in Hong Kong
- The online school calendar is the most up to date school calendar information
- All King News is updated on the front page of the King website and is archived on the King News Blog
- There is a direct link to the King School Drop-off and Pick-up Policy. :-)
Newsletter from Mr. Karr - 12/09
Dear King School Families,
I appreciate the privilege of working with the students, teachers, and parents in our wonderful community. Thank you for your continued support in making King School the best it can be.
International Night Is Coming!
Thank you to everyone who is involved with planning and implementing International Night, which will occur on February 4, 2010. I’m always so grateful to Frances Hwang and all the parents and teachers who assist in making the event King School’s most exciting and meaningful tradition. Please watch Frances’ website about the King International Night at
For families who are new to King School, I hope you’ll pencil the above date on your calendar and look for more information when we return from winter break.
Millage Follow-up - Ann Arbor Educational Foundation
While the recent millage failed in Washtenaw County, approximately 54% of voters in the Ann Arbor Public Schools district voted yes. If each of 12,971 "yes" votes were to donate the same amount as the millage would have levied (on average $250 per home in Ann Arbor), the AAPS would instantly raise $3,242,750 annually to support public education in the Ann Arbor School District. While that amount will not completely offset the loses Ann Arbor has seen in state funding recently, it would certainly support Ann Arbor Public Schools programs and students.
I realize with the holidays coming up this message is somewhat untimely; however, budget cutting discussions have begun, and the time to act is now if one is so inclined. For more information on where to donate, please check the Ann Arbor Educational Foundation website at
If you have questions, please call me at school.
School Improvement Plan
The King School Improvement Team (SIT) and the King staff have identified three achievement focus areas for the school. In a nutshell, the goals are:
1. King students will write paragraphs
2. King students will revise their writing
3. King students will read on grade level
To address these goals, we track which students are not achieving their corresponding grade level outcomes and teachers use this information to help address difficulties a student may be having.
In addition to what happens in the classroom, parents can assist too! . . . I recommend starting by attending Literacy Night in January. For more information, read on ☺.
Literacy Night Coming In January
In support of our School Improvement Plan, the King SIT with the support of King teachers has planned a Literacy Night for parents on either January 26 or 28 from 6:30 – 8:30. The intent of this event is to help parents to better understand the AAPS reading and writing curriculum. Registration for Literacy Night will begin in December and will continue through January. Watch the eNotes and the King website for more information.
Report Cards
Every child received a report card on Monday, November 16, and I made a presentation about report cards and understanding them at the November 17 PTO meeting. The presentation can be viewed online at: If you have questions about your child’s specific report card, please don’t hesitate to call your child’s teacher.
P.S. Thank you for ALWAYS following the Drop-off and Pick-up Policy.
Kroger Gift Card - LINK YOUR PLUS CARD to King PTO
Gift Card Orders - DUE 12/2
- Tuesday, December 8 7-7:45pm (Come join the PTO meeting while you are there)
Thursday, December 10 3:30-3:50pm School Office - Tuesday, December 15 7:00 - 7:45pm
- Friday, December 18 8:15-9:00am (Bagels and Buns)
Another Successful Turkey Trot
Many thanks to the mom's who volunteered serving cider and donuts: Laura Boudette, Kathy Grijalva, Hong Kaleta, Beth Kimball, Christine Kukucka, Rachel Sabb, and Alena Stocking.
Also, a thank you goes to the Green Rd. Busch's grocery store for donating $50 worth of $5 gift cards for the prize drawing held by Mrs. Arbour. Much appreciation to the King PTO for providing the cider and donuts. This treat is a favorite Fall event for the students and teachers.
Science Olympiad Registration Open
Science Olympiad Coaches Needed
Please contact Vivian Lin at if you are willing to coach any of these events, or sign up to coach an event when you register your child at . Thanks!
King School International Night Fast Approaching! Sign Up Now!
King School Book Fair on 12/4, 5, and 6 at Borders
And, don't miss special guest readers from YOUR King school staff (Mr. Karr, Mrs. Gatonez, Mrs. O'Keefe, Mrs. Jarjoura, Ms. Spence and Mrs. Gracey) as they read from their favorite books. Dates and times can be found on the flyer and the school calendar. If you would like to volunteer at the gift wrapping table, please sign up at:
Submitted by Sandy Aldrich
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Holiday Gift Card Reminder
The PTO gift card fund raiser through Great Lakes Scrip program is going on right now. The response has been very low, and this is a reminder to locate that GREEN flyer that was in your child's backpack and make some time to order your gift cards.
We will purchase gift cards from any business that donates 4% or more toward King School. Some ideas...Mainstreet Ventures 12% (did you say Gratzi anyone?), Borders 9%, I-tunes 5%, Starbucks 7%, Olga's Kitchen 8%, Showcase Cinema 9%, Speedway Gas 4%, Applebee's 10%, Blockbuster 7%...much more!
Use these cards for your holiday gift giving or stock up on places that you frequent throughout the year. The process is easy...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
OSU Sign Culprit Comes Clean!
Thanks to everyone who sends her emails that say "Go Blue Beat OSU!"
Also thanks to everyone who played along with this fun, especially Tim, Austin, and Max. I knew these nice boys wouldn't put that sign up because they use the Lifelong Guidelines and Lifeskills!
Friday, November 20, 2009
ADHD Presentation - Huron, 12/7 @ 8PM
POLL: Who Put The Ohio State Sign In The King School School Parking Lot?

A series of quick observations this morning found several possible perpetrators for the misplaced signage. Here they are (listed below):
1. Tim Kohn, a typically mild-mannered student, showed up to school today sporting the wrong colors.

2. Mr. Harris, who usually wears blue and yellow on Fridays, came wearing the shirt below. He claimed to have forgotten "The Game" was to be played on Saturday. I'm not sure though . . .

3. Austin Wang was trying to hide his scarlet and gray by wearing a green afro, but colors like that can't hide for long. In Ann Arbor, they stick out like trash in a garden.

4. Mrs. Brodkey and Max came to school decked out in "those" colors. What's nice about Max is that he tries to balance his OSU colors with his Dad's Michigan colors. Keep working on him, Dad!

The question of the day:
King Composting Request
The King School Composting Team is in need of parent volunteers willing to take our winter compost to the local city drop off site.
The City of Ann Arbor does not come and pick up compost during the months of December through March. We are looking for parents to come Tuesdays and Fridays for pick up and drop off. Our goal is to have winterized composting onsite by the 2010/2011 school year, but until then we need to take it to our local center. If you are interested in helping, please contact Ms. Shah at or give her a call at (734) 994-1940. Thank you for your support.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thanksgiving - Thanks For Your Support
Thank you, King Community (families as well as King teachers and staff), for your giving especially in these toughest of times! It means so much to those who receive, and it will certainly help make their Thanksgiving better.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Norway Visits MLK School Website
god dag, velkommen (hello, welcome in Norwegian)
While on the MLK School website, the visitor spent 2 minutes, 15 seconds looking around the site, and they visited 3 pages!
I hope all parents are finding the MLK school website useful and informative.
Understanding the AAPS Report Card
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Adult ESL Conversation Groups
Washtenaw Literacy's ESL groups focus mainly on speaking and listening skills for adults in an informal, relaxed setting. Learn new vocabulary, meet new friends, practice pronunciation, and improve your conversation skills. TOEFL preparation is also available. There's a group that meets at the Ann Arbor District Library's Pittsfield Branch, 2359 Oak Valley Drive on Mondays from 1:00-2:30 pm and a group on Fridays at the Mallett's Creek Branch at the same time, 1:00-2:30 pm. Here's their website for more information about groups and tutoring.
Homework Help From Ann Arbor District Library
Drop-In Homework Help
AADL partners with the University of Michigan's Circle K chapter to provide free homework help for school-aged children and teenagers. College student volunteers are available on Wednesdays, 4:00-8:00 PM, in the Downtown Youth Story Corner for drop-in homework help.
King School Community Action - Fall 2009
I am emailing you this note as Chair of the Community Action program at King School. For several years, families at King School have provided a Thanksgiving meal to needy families in our small community. This year the hope is to again provide a turkey and grocery gift card to these families. Support for this program is facilitated, but not funded, by the King PTO. Instead, it is funded by private donations from families whose children attend King School.
If you would like to make a donation to the Thanksgiving Meal fund, a check can be written in any amount payable to "King PTO" with "Thanksgiving" on the memo line. You may either place your donation in the King PTO mailbox in the school office or give it to your child's teacher (please put it in an envelope & write "King PTO" on the outside of the envelope). All donated funds will be used solely for the Thanksgiving meals.
The Community Action program at King school oversees the recent UNICEF fundraiser, the upcoming Holiday Snowflake Gift Giving program, and the winter coat and boot drive.
Rachel Sabb
Community Action Chair at King School
Sally Foster Ready for Pick Up on Friday, November 13
King School's Borders Book Fair 12/4, 5, and 6!
The King School PTO will receive 20% of your pre-tax purchases when a voucher is given to the cashier during the event! Vouchers will be sent home before Thanksgiving Break in Friday Folders and passed out with library books during the week of the Book Fair. King School parents will be wrapping presents on Friday December 4 from 10am - 10pm and on Saturday December 5 from 6pm - 10pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!
WESO Volunteers Needed
- November: coaches and other volunteers sign up
- December-early February: children register to attend practices for events
- Mid-February to mid-May: weekly practices at King
- April 23rd: Science Night at King School
- Mid-May: WESO tournament
At this time, we are particularly looking for COACHES (or co-coaches) who can commit to attending a coaches' meeting in January/early February and holding one practice per week from February to mid-May at King (except holidays). Tentative events are as follows (note, not all grades compete in all events; see the WESO link at the left of this e-mail for details.
· Barge Building
· Chopper Challenge
· Circuit Wizardry
· Estimania
· Map Reading
· Monster Match
· Mystery Architecture
· Pentathlon
· Potions
· Puff Mobiles
· Rock Hunter
· Science Jeopardy
· Sink or Float
· Straw Tower
· Water Rockets
· What Went By?
· Write It, Build It
Volunteers to coach any of the above events should email Vivian Lin at with the event you are willing to coach and what time(s) in the spring you can hold practices. Non-coach volunteers are needed too - please email Vivian.
Science Olympiad Parent Info Meeting
King School International Night Meeting
Friday, November 06, 2009
10-Things To Know About Writing
- All children can and should write. From the time your children can hold a crayon, encourage them to draw, scribble and write. In order to be successful and fluent writers, students need to know they can write--even if it doesn't look perfect!
- Teachers must help students find real purposes to write. Help your children communicate their hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns. When your children see writing as serving a real purpose, they will be more likely to try it.
- Students need to take ownership and responsibility. Kid writing should sound like kid writing! When kids believe that their writing is their own, they will become more likely to invest themselves in it.
- Effective writing programs involve the complete writing process. Our children like all writers, have different ways of approaching writing tasks. Tune in to your children's learning styles and needs as writers. Writing in different styles and genres will take time. Some genres will take just one draft while others will take multiple drafts.
- Teachers can help students get started. Talk with your children about their ideas and encourage them to draw, freewrite, and make lists of verbs in order to get started.
- Teachers can help students draft and revise. Listen to our children's drafts and ask real questions about content. Heartfelt questions are the best way to encourage kids to keep on writing.
- Grammar and mechanics are best learned in the context of actual writing. If you notice errors in conventions in your children's writing, pick just one area at a time to work on (such as punctuation, dialogue, or capitalization). You might also refer to real texts (books, newspapers, letters, magazines) to see how published authors tackle issues of punctuation, spelling and more.
- Students need real audiences and a classroom context of shared learning. Help your children find real audiences (family, friends, neighbors) to communicate with.
- Writing should extend throughout the curriculum. You can write just about anything at home: letters to family and friends, songs and plays to perform for the family, lists for grocery shopping . . . The list is endless!
- Effective teachers use evaluation constructively and efficiently. Your job as a parent is to encourage and support any effort your children make in writing. Be lavish in praise and specific and limited in your suggestions for improvement.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Post-millage Letter From Dr. Roberts
Dear Parent/Guardian:
I want to thank you and our many staff, student and community volunteers who worked extremely hard to educate our community about the financial state of public education in our district and the county. I am extremely disappointed with the outcome of the county schools millage vote. While voters in Ann Arbor did support the millage with 56% of voters voting yes, this result locally was not enough to help carry the county.
The county schools millage proposal was a local response to the statewide funding crisis. This effort was to increase funding locally through the only means available to us under the law. With voters in the county having made their decision regarding this millage, we must now work together to move forward and develop our budget so that costs are in line with the revenue we project to receive from the state. We must also continue to strongly advocate that Lansing restore funding for our schools and develop a more sustainable model for funding education.
The next steps in our budget process will take careful and thoughtful planning that will include input from parents, staff and the AAPS community. We are faced with some difficult, but not insurmountable challenges and decisions. I commit to each of you that this will be an open process as we develop budget plans for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years that align our costs with revenue projections. We will hold a series of meetings in December and January where we will be presenting options for reducing costs and enhancing revenues. During these meetings we will gather feedback about the possible options and plan to complete our draft budget plan for 2010-11 in February.
We also need to address the reduction in state funding for this school year. Over the next two weeks we will be taking steps to address the loss in funding for the current fiscal year. Our goal in addressing the loss of funding for this school year is to reduce costs through means that will be least disruptive to our students and educational programs. I will also continue to push leaders in Lansing to restore funding for education this school year. I encourage you to do the same and contact state legislators and the Governor.
I am proud of our community and its support for public education. The commitment of parents, staff and the community to the care and success of our students is why this school district is one of the best in the state and nation. I know that we will continue working together collaboratively to ensure our students receive an outstanding education despite the challenges we face. Thank you for your support.
Todd Roberts
PTO Meeting Date Changed 11/10 --> 11/17
The meeting will still be from 7 - 8 PM.
World Language Newsletter - Volume 2
For this 2009-10 school year, apprentice teachers from the U of M are mentored by our own Media Specialists for 60 minutes of learning each week. For more information, please refer to our World Language brochure on the district web site in the Curriculum Resource section in Especially for Parents. Other questions and comments may be directed to your child’s school principal.
To view the most recent World Language newsletter from Mrs. O'Keefe, please CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
PTO Positions Still Available for 2009-2010 School Year
Additionally, if you are interested in being on the King PTO Exec Board this year, please let us know.
Please contact for more information or to volunteer to chair. Thanks for your help!
Community Action Network At King School - Volunteers Needed
Science Olympiad Parent Info Meeting
Science Olympiad Volunteers Needed
- November: coaches and other volunteers sign up
- December-early February: children register to attend practices for events
- Mid-February to mid-May: weekly practices at King
- April 23rd: Science Night at King School
- Mid-May: WESO tournament
At this time, we are particularly looking for COACHES (or co-coaches) who can commit to attending a coaches' meeting in January/early February and holding one practice per week from February to mid-May at King (except holidays). Tentative events are as follows (note, not all grades compete in all events; see the WESO link at the left of this e-mail for details.
· Barge Building
· Chopper Challenge
· Circuit Wizardry
· Estimania
· Map Reading
· Monster Match
· Mystery Architecture
· Pentathlon
· Potions
· Puff Mobiles
· Rock Hunter
· Science Jeopardy
· Sink or Float
· Straw Tower
· Water Rockets
· What Went By?
· Write It, Build It
Volunteers to coach any of the above events should email Vivian Lin at with the event you are willing to coach and what time(s) in the spring you can hold practices. Non-coach volunteers are needed too - please email Vivian.
Holiday Gift Cards Sales
If you have any questions contact Alena Stocking
King School's Borders Book Fair & Holiday Gift Cards
More details will be available about the King School Borders Book Fair later this month.
Contact with questions or for additional information.
Election Day Is Here
Monday, November 02, 2009
Parent University At Clague Middle School
Open to the public
FREE BABYSITTING (RESERVATIONS REQUIRED), Call the office for reservations 734-994-1976
"Learn about Autism and how you can help your child appreciate the differences and eliminate the teasing and bullying."
"How to parent today's middle school student"
Whether you attended one session or all five, join us for this year-end celebration and brief discussion of topics for next year.
All adult sessions, except January and April, have related school assemblies for Clague students.
Clague Middle School would like to thank Washtenaw Medical Society Alliance and the AAPS Police Liaison Officers for their collaboration and work on this project. If you would like to help defray the cost of this program, donations can be made to Clague PTSO and dropped off at the school.
Clague Middle School….2616 Nixon Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 ………………………..734-994-1976
NO SCHOOL - 11/3 - VOTE!
November 3.
As a reminder, please don't forget to vote.
AAPS News - First Edition!
The first edition features:
November 3 millage information;
School activities at Eberwhite and Carpenter elementary schools;
A profile about occupational therapist Raleigh Sadlier;
A feature about the Community High School newspaper staff;
And a recap of the week-long Huron-Pioneer rivalry that took on a "pink" hue this year to support breast cancer research.
Log on to to see the inaugural edition. We welcome story ideas and information for publication. Please send suggestions to Casey Hans at or call her at 734-994-2090 ext 51228.
We also are asking your help in selecting a permanent name for this newsletter. If you have an idea, please send your suggestion to Casey!
Check it out!
P.S. Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, November 3. Don't forget to vote.