Thursday, May 22, 2008

Front Drive Redesign - Next Steps UPDATED

On May 15, the Building Renovation Committee met to discuss the input from the May 7 community meeting as well as other input that had been given to committee members. At the conclusion of the meeting the committee had organized the collective input into categories, which helped us to understand the wide variety of perspectives held in the MLK community. These perspectives included those who travel to and from school via bus, foot/bicycle, and car (including those who drop off in the front drive and those who drop off on the street). In addition, there were perspectives related to the aesthetics of the building and the effect of potential construction on the environment.

The variety of perspectives gives an indication about the issues and priorities for the King community. For many of us, this is obviously about more than the redesigning of the front drive. As we move forward in this process, we will use the input as a lens by which to look at the benefits and drawbacks of potential solutions.

We will have a follow-up community meeting on June 4 at 7 PM. Any interested parties are welcome to attend.

We have a strong desire for broad community involvement while the issues around the front drive are narrowed, leading to a recommendation.